

Dr. Alan N. Schulman, MD

Alan N. Schulman, MD practices Gastroenterology. He attended Harvard Medical School. Harvard Medical School is a one of the best medicals schools. Harvard Medical School is ranked 1 in research and 12 in primary care medicine He received awards:"Top Doctors:Washington DC Area", "Top Doctors:Baltimore Area", "Top Doctors:Washington-Baltimore", "Meaningful Use Stage 1 Certification", "Top MD" and "Super Doctor". Alan Schulman is a published physician. He has 1 paper published. The most current publication "Colonoscopic perforation rates." Alan N. Schulman accepts all Medicare patients.



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Drug Facts

NPI NUMBER   1285636167
NPPES Provider LastName   SCHULMAN
NPPES Provider FirstName   ALAN
NPPES Provider ZIPCode   208508700
NPPES Provider State   MD
Specialty Description   Gastroenterology
Total Claim Count   467.0
Distinct Opioid Count   0.0
Opioid Claim Count   0.0
Percent Opioid Claims   0.0

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National Provider Identifier [NPI] 1285636167
Last Name Of The Provider SCHULMAN
First Name Of The Provider ALAN
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